In the latest episode of the Legal Zone, we have another incredible legal story from our client. It's an amazing, powerful and sad story. Our client, Anthony Dennison had his children taken away by the State and has faced an uphill fight against state officials, bad decisions and unjust rulings.
The facts are real. The case is real and the case is ongoing and gives us a look at the many factors involved within the #childcustodycourt, #CPSallegations, qualified immunity and the pursuit of justice when the justice system is stacked against you.
Join us as we talk about this ongoing legal matter.
In previous episodes we've talked about #defamation and the #invasionofprivacy and in today's episode, in our teachable moment, we discuss Qualified Immunity.
What is Qualified Immunity?
Qualified Immunity laws state that all Government officials performing discretionary functions are immune from lawsuits.
Who Has Qualified Immunity?
Qualified immunity protects state officials including judges, police officers and government officials who make reasonable, but mistaken judgements regarding legal questions.
How Can You Contest Questionable Court Decisions?
Plaintiffs who must fight mistaken, wrong, and even unconstitutional decisions must show that the official clearly violated clearly established statutory or constitutional rights.
Video Participants:
Attorney John Salatti
Dr. Arlene Cheney
Attorney Solon Phillips
Client Anthony Dennison
If you're involved in a family or child custody matter, contact Remus Enterprises Law Group for a free legal consultation to learn your rights and how we protect your personal & parental interests.

Founder and Managing Partner
Solon Phillips, Partner of the General Litigation Group at Remus Law Group, is an experienced legal professional with extensive experience working in large law firms while devoting much of his spare time to volunteer work in public service.