Corporate Legal Services in Washington DC, Alabama & Maryland

Legal Services You Can trust

Without the proper legal counsel to protect your corporate & business operations, you can leave your organization open to litigation, losses and undue burdens. Contact the corporate attorneys at Remus Law Group for experienced & affordable corporate legal services.

Directly Serving Washington D.C., Alabama, Washington State & Maryland and have additional council across the country & internationally.

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Corporate & Business Legal Services

Corporate Legal Services You Can Trust

The corporate attorneys at Remus Law Group pride themselves in possessing the art of telling a compelling story.  With over 30 years of experience, our attorneys provide skilled guidance to all of your corporate legal needs.

Corporate Compliance

Corporate Compliance Legal Services

At Remus Law Group, we do all of your corporate legal work in-house, which gives you a dedicated legal counsel for your corporation that encompasses all of your legal needs.

We protect everything that you've worked hard to build while helping you avoid real business costs.

Corporate Contracts

Corporate Contract Creation, Review & Implementation

Our corporate contract attorneys have extensive experience creating, reviewing and implementing contracts that protect your organization.

From employment contracts to purchase agreements, we help you mimiize risks associated with all of your business functions to give your company the peace of mind knowing all aspects of your operations are covered.

Call, email or fill out our consultation form to schedule an appointment to learn how our corporate contract attorneys save you time, money and risks.

Minimize Corporate Risks

Eliminate Corporate Liability

Without the proper legal counsel to protect your corporate & business operations, you can leave your organization to litigation, losses and undue burdens.

Our corporate liability attorneys help you with all of your corporate documentation, contracts & business operations. Ensure you have an experienced legal partner that protects your organization.

Protecting you from future legal problems

Legal Consequences of Poor Contracts

When you have poorly written contracts that don't protect your interests or don't cover all aspects and parameters of the contract, you can open your business or corporation to unnecessary risks and potential monetary losses.

Our Corporate attorneys specialize in learning about your corporation and ensuring your contracts not only meet your needs, but encompass all aspects of your operation.

Contract Liabilities

Common Problems with Contracts

With improperly created or poorly written contracts, your corporation can be exposed to additional liability and potential damages.

In addition to those risks, terms, conditions and policies can leave customers and contract partners unbound to your agreements.
In many nondisclosure and non-compete agreements, this poses a risk from outside influences and can hurt your future operations.

How we protect your business & Corporation

Corporate Legal Goals

Our corporate attorneys ensure your corporation operates in accordance to all local, state and federal guidelines.

We provide successful responses to potentially litigious situations.

We also protect you in your corporate contracts, your intellectual property & your patents while giving your organization legal guidance on proposal risks and information regarding mergers and acquisitions.

Why Should you choose Remus Law?

Our Attorneys Protect Your Operations

We offer experienced and professional corporate legal services that save you from expensive legal expenses.

Our Corporate legal team thoroughly understands and protects your business while giving you the comfort of having an exceptional legal team at your fingertips.

Additional Benefits of our Corporate Services

Giving Your Corporation Peace of Mind

With Remus Law Group, we give you the peace of mind knowing you have a legal team with extensive experience in corporate compliance, contracts, intellectual property and understands your business operations.

Your business will receive exceptional, affordable corporate legal services that help you avoid future costs from lengthy and costly disputes as well as civil & criminal liabilities and penalties.

Call, email or fill out our consultation form to schedule an appointment to learn how our contractors save you time and money on your next contract.

Remus Law Group

We Protect Your Corporate Story

Storytelling is in the genes.  Listening to stories is also in the genes.  It must follow then, that the most effective argument is structured in a story.  Effective stories persuade juries.  Effective stories convince judges.  It is why President Quincy Adams quipped, "Whoever tells the best story wins the case."

Contact us today for a free consultation to learn how we can create, maintain and protect your corporation.

Monday to Friday
9am - 5pm

Remus Law Group

1629 K Street
Suite 300
Washington, DC 20006

Give your legal matter the attention
it deserves.

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why us

Clients first

Our firm represents clients big and small. We represent every matter in the most efficient, affordable way possible.

Medical Malpractice Attorneys
Professional Attorneys

Our team of attorneys represent people and businesses In Washington DC, Maryland & Alabama, Our legal team services all legal areas. We handle all our manners in an efficient, effective, affordable & discrete manner.

Corporate Law Attorneys
clear workflow

We focus on attention to details & give our clients a clear understanding of where their matter is at any time. We pride ourselves on our communication & status with the appropriate parties in all our matters.

practice areas
Civil Litigation Lawyers
Impeccable record

We vigorously defend our clients and utilize every legal method at our disposal to accomplish your legal goals.

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